Hi, I'm Aaron! Available for work
Developer. Linux Enthusiast.
Tech Lover.
From Mendoza, Argentina 🇦🇷.
Software Development − INTI
Platform Engineering for supply chain management in the Oil and Mining sector.
Software Development − IDITS
Development of a web platform for data collection from SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Mendoza Province.
Final Integration Project − SmartServices
Development of the Final Integration Project (TIF) - SmartServices platform for IT Engineering degree completion.
Featured Projects
ChatNet Hub
Client-Server application, which simulates a chat in real time!
Platform UM - Backend and Frontend
A platform for the management of the Buses ticket sales in Argentina.
Distributed Port Scanner
Scans a range of ports in a given IP address, using a distributed architecture.
Other Projects
Movie Classifier
A movie classifier that uses TensorFlow to predict the movie based on an image uploaded by the user.
A navegator extension that helps you to find the best cheats using ChatGPT.
A Discord bot that helps you to find the best courses making a web scraping.
Get in Touch
Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello